IEA projects `96 exhibiting cost increases

According to the "1996 IEA Budget Guide" recently published by the International Exhibitors Association (IEA), exhibitors can expect price increases ranging from modest to substantial in the coming year. Corporate exhibit managers will be spending more on promotions (8.8 percent) and premiums and giveaways (5 percent). These figures compare with 5.9 percent and 1.5 percent, respectively, with 1995 projections.

"If we are going to see increased spending, it's encouraging to note that exhibitors will be allocating more funds toward marketing efforts that can enhance their overall exhibiting results," IEA President Peter J. Mangelli said.

Other notable average increases reported in the "1996 IEA Budget Guide" include: 9.8 percent for audio/visual equipment; 9.5 percent for photography; 7.2 percent for exhibit rental and lease; 6.5 percent for new exhibit production and design; 6.3 percent for booth cleaning; and 5.4 percent for installation and dismantle services. In addition, drayage, warehouse to booth and out is expected to increase by 6.2 percent, with drayage, dock to booth and out increasing by 6.4 percent. Space rental costs are projected to increase by 3.3 percent.

The IEA Budget Guide also examines actual exhibit dollars spent by exhibiting companies, such as exhibit space, show services, exhibit design, exhibit shipping, show travel/lodging/entertainment, exhibit promotion, and other exhibit related items. For example, when asked "How much does your company spend annually on exhibit space," 25 percent said more than $330,000; 23 percent said $165,001 - $330,000; 22 percent said $82,501 - $165,000; 23 percent said $33,000 - $82,500; and 7 percent said less than $33,000.

The "1996 IEA Budget Guide" helps the exhibitor assess current year expenses, project future costs and compare them with previous expenditures. It comes complete with charts, forms and data to facilitate analysis.

Information for the IEA's "1996 Budget Guide" was assembled by surveying exhibit managers, consultants, designers and producers, show managers, general, exhibitor-designated and specialty contractors, and exposition managers. IEA received a 15.2 percent return, and the results were tabulated by Parke & Higham, Certified Public Accountants.

A copy of the "1996 IEA Budget Guide" is being distributed to IEA members. Additional copies are available for $7 each. The non-member cost is $14. For information, call 703-941-3725.